Avoid Hiring Florida Foreclosure Surplus Funds Recovery Companies!!!

Haynes Law Group

Recently, I have had several consultations with former Florida homeowners who have been harassed by a Florida Foreclosure Surplus Funds Recovery Company advising them of the surplus funds available to them, after the recent Florida mortgage foreclosure sale of their home, and pushing them to hire their company to assist them with the recovery of said surplus funds. One of the strongest pieces of advice that I can offer is to STAY AWAY from these companies. Continue reading to find out more…

First and foremost, Florida Foreclosure Surplus Funds Recovery Companies will often scrounge a County’s clerk of court website for said County’s mortgage foreclosure surplus funds list, which is considered public information, in order to create their own “list” of potential Clients. Once these companies create their list of potential Clients, they will begin searching public records to obtain each potential Clients’ contact information in order to begin placing calls to them advising them of the Florida mortgage foreclosure surplus funds that are available for them to claim. Not only can this be extremely bothersome for former homeowners who have lost their home, but they may even think it’s a scam and that there are no surplus funds available to be claimed. If you are a former Florida homeowner who has received one of these calls, the best thing you can do is to contact and consult with an experienced Florida foreclosure surplus funds recovery Attorney as soon as possible. During a consultation with an experienced Florida foreclosure surplus fund recovery Attorney, the Attorney will either confirm or deny whether or not you have Florida mortgage foreclosure surplus funds available to be claimed.

Moving on, it is important for every former Florida homeowner, that has mortgage foreclosure surplus funds available to be claimed, to know the two key differences between hiring a Florida Foreclosure Surplus Funds Recovery Company and an experienced Florida Foreclosure Surplus Funds Recovery Attorney.

The first key difference between a Florida Foreclosure Surplus Funds Recovery Company and a Florida Foreclosure Surplus Funds Recovery Attorney is that a Florida Attorney will never call you directly. The reason for this is that Florida Attorneys are bound by a code of ethics set forth by the Florida Bar Association. Should a Florida Attorney violate the code of ethics set by the Florida Bar Association they can face heavy sanctions, which can lead to the Attorney being disbarred or losing their right to practice law in Florida.

The second key difference between the two is that when a former Florida homeowner hire’s a Florida Foreclosure Surplus Funds Recovery Company, to assist them with the filing of their claim, they are often asked to sign what is known as an “Assignment of Interest”. Should the former Florida homeowner sign the Assignment of Interest they will have assigned away their right to the Florida mortgage foreclosure surplus funds to the surplus funds recovery company. As soon as the surplus funds recovery company receives the signed Assignment of Interest from the former Florida homeowner they will then file THEIR claim for the Florida mortgage foreclosure surplus funds. Once the surplus funds recovery company recovers the surplus funds, they will either distribute a small portion of the funds to the owner or will often disappear without a trace. This is why you should never hire a Florida foreclosure surplus funds recovery company and why you should always consult with an experienced Florida foreclosure surplus funds recovery Attorney. Furthermore, by hiring an experienced Florida foreclosure surplus funds recovery Attorney you can guarantee that your rights to the surplus funds are always protected and that you receive your funds in the greatest amount possible.

If you are a former Florida homeowner, whose home has been sold at a Florida mortgage foreclosure auction, and are looking for assistance in filing a claim for your mortgage foreclosure surplus funds, please give me a call and I will personally give you a free consultation.

At Haynes Law Group, P.A., we have experienced Attorneys who are well versed in the Florida Statutes governing former Florida homeowners claims to mortgage foreclosure surplus funds, and have helped to claim hundreds of thousands of dollars for former Florida homeowners. We represent former homeowners all over the state of Florida, no matter what county they are in, and will work tirelessly to ensure that you receive the Gold Standard of Legal Service. Best of all, we represent our Clients on contingency which means we don’t get paid unless you do!

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