How is Covid-19 Impacting Florida Foreclosure Surplus Funds?

Haynes Law Group

There are many Florida foreclosure surplus funds still pending in Florida courts. I have received calls from former homeowners questioning how Covid-19 may impact timelines in collecting these funds. Here is the breakdown:

  1. Timelines are not changed.

Timelines are not changed. Florida Statute 45.032 still governs these timelines and requirements for former owners and subordinate lienholders. That is, a subordinate lien holder has one year from the Certificate of Disbursements to file their claim for the funds. An owner is not relegated to just the one year, but it is in the owner’s best interest to strategically try and collect these funds before the year deadline as the funds may be sent to unclaimed property.

  1. Court dates are hard to schedule.

I have found that scheduling and receiving court hearings for the surplus funds is difficult at this time. Many judges have cancelled hearings, and/or have cut back their court schedule. This means, while the deadlines to file are the same, it may be difficult to get in front of a judge during these times.

  1. Don’t assign away your rights to a third-party surplus company during these times.

I have blogged many times regarding homeowners assigning away their rights to asset recovery companies. My notion remains the same, but stronger: DON’T DO IT. With small businesses closing all over the United States, hiring a Florida foreclosure surplus funds lawyer to collect your funds is the safest and smartest route. Remember, a foreclosure surplus company hires a lawyer to represent their company in court, not you. Hiring a Florida surplus funds attorney means that you are hiring a professional representative to represent your best interest in retrieving these funds.

Whether you need a Miami foreclosure surplus lawyer, Fort Lauderdale foreclosure surplus lawyer, West Palm Beach foreclosure surplus lawyer, Tampa foreclosure surplus lawyer, Clearwater beach foreclosure surplus lawyer, Jacksonville foreclosure surplus lawyer, Saint Augustine foreclosure surplus lawyer, Sarasota foreclosure surplus attorney, Fort Myers foreclosure surplus lawyer, Destin foreclosure surplus Lawyer, Indian hills foreclosure surplus lawyer, Orlando foreclosure surplus lawyers, or a Volusia county foreclosure surplus attorney, we will represent parties in any county in the state of Florida!

Stay safe, Florida. Call today and we will give you a free consultation regarding your surplus funds! 1-888-252-8754

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